Darla Suderman


6 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2007-03-18 Darla Suderman Kamloops F40-44 Spring Run Off 10K Kamloops 166 75 12 1:20:50 08:05 10.0
2006-05-28 Darla Suderman Kamloops F40-44 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kelowna 146 61 11 1:43:44 06:54 15.0
2006-03-19 Darla Suderman Kamloops F40-44 The River's Spring Run Off 10K Kamloops 176 76 11 1:04:55 06:29 10.0
2006-02-12 Darla Suderman Kamloops F40-44 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 189 91 17 1:10:40 07:04 10.0
2005-05-29 Darla Suderman Kamloops F40-44 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 125 54 5 1:50:51 07:23 15.0
2005-03-20 Darla Suderman Kamloops F40-44 Spring Run-Off 10K Kamloops 155 64 5 1:12:33 07:15 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results