Margaret James


12 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2005-03-20 Margaret James Kamloops F50-54 Spring Run-Off 10K Kamloops 112 34 6 0:59:48 05:58 10.0
2004-02-15 Margaret James Kamloops F45-49 Starting Block 10k Run Lavington 147 47 9 0:57:29 05:44 10.0
2003-03-16 Margaret James Kamloops F45-49 Spring Run-Off 10k Kamloops 169 56 12 0:53:22 05:20 10.0
1992-09-20 Margaret James Kamloops F35-39 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 211 68 25 1:53:37 05:49 19.5
1992-05-24 Margaret James Kamloops F35-39 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 158 52 15 1:44:18 06:57 15.0
1991-05-26 Margaret James Kamloops F35-39 Blackwell Dairy 15K Kamloops 140 37 12 1:23:25 05:33 15.0
1990-09-23 Margaret James Kamloops F35-39 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 171 45 11 1:55:23 05:55 19.5
1990-06-24 Marg James Kamloops F35-39 Coalmont-Princton Run Princeton 74 24 5 1:45:43 05:41 18.6
1990-05-13 Margaret James Kamloops F35-39 Penticton Blossom 10 Miler Penticton 168 46 12 1:28:49 05:30 16.1
1990-02-04 Margaret James Kamloops F35-39 Vernon Winter Carnival 10K Vernon 181 39 7 0:52:47 05:16 10.0
1989-09-24 Margaret James Kamloops F30-34 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 152 39 15 1:47:50 05:40 19.0
1988-07-17 Margaret James Kamloops F30-34 Mid Summer 10k Kelowna 180 48 20 0:51:34 05:09 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results