Aman Domoz


6 Races, 4
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2023-09-17 Aman Domoz Kelowna M25-29 Fast Days of Summer 5000 Kelowna 17 16 0:18:10 03:38 5.0
2023-09-17 Aman Domoz Kelowna M00-99+ Fast Days of Summer One Mile Kelowna 16 13 13 0:06:10 03:51 1.6
2023-07-16 Aman Domoz Kelowna M25-29 Midsummer 8K Kelowna 13 10 0:31:05 03:53 8.0
2022-10-02 Aman Domoz Kelowna M25-29 Summerland Sweets 7.4K Summerland 15 14 0:33:00 04:27 7.4
2022-09-25 Aman Domoz Kelowna M25-29 Campbell Mountain 9K Penticton 13 12 0:46:55 05:19 8.8
2022-07-10 Aman Domoz Kelowna M25-29 Midsummer 8k Kelowna 26 23 5 0:34:31 04:18 8.0
Missing or Incorrect Results