About Us

Many thanks to everyone past, present and future who has volunteered their time to allow the Interior Running Association and its member clubs achieve all that they have. If you are keen on volunteering for any event or are interested in serving on the executive please contact us.

Current Executive

PresidentCindy Rhodes
Vice-PresidentDavid Guss
SecretaryJanice Bradshaw
TreasurerSandra Wike
Director of TimingDavid Tilley
Director of AwardsBrad Meikle
Director of Social MediaEmilio Martinez
Director of ITAdam Zelenka
Director of CommunicationOpen
Director at LargeResham Mahil


2019PresentCindy Rhodes
20162018John Wilson
20142015Cindy Rhodes / John Wilson
20112013Rick Jenkner
20092010Sherry Maligaspe
20072008Jarrett Spannier
20042006Pauline Hill
20032003Rick Jenkner 
19992002Bill Stephens
19951998Terry Dowhaniuk
19931994Bill Stephens
19911992Pat Rowles
19901990Linda Stenseth
19861989Bill Stephens
19831985Doug Smith