Chyrl Blondahl


8 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2006-05-14 Chyrl Blondahl Osoyoos F40-44 Peach City Runners Blossom 10 Miler Naramata 107 49 12 1:30:15 05:38 16.0
2006-04-02 Chyrl Blondahl Osoyoos F40-44 Oliver Ok Photo Lab 10K Oliver 114 47 14 0:57:33 05:45 10.0
2005-06-12 Chyrl Blondahl Osoyoos F40-44 Coalmont To Princeton 18.5K Penticton 66 28 5 1:56:46 06:18 18.5
2004-06-20 Chyrl Blondahl Osoyoos F35-39 Peach City Runners Coalmont to Princeton 18.5K Penticton 71 29 4 2:03:23 06:40 18.5
2004-05-09 Chyrl Blondahl Osoyoos F35-39 Skaha Outdoor Sports Blossom 10 Miler Naramata 152 80 16 1:44:38 06:32 16.0
2004-04-04 Chyrl Blondahl Osoyoos F35-39 Oliver 10K Oliver 213 105 15 1:07:05 06:42 10.0
2003-05-10 Chyrl Blondahl Osoyoos F35-39 Ray's Sports Den Blossom 10 Miler Naramata 117 55 10 1:35:10 05:56 16.0
2003-04-06 Chyrl Blondahl Osoyoos F35-39 Oliver OK PhotoLab 10k Run Oliver 144 57 10 0:58:34 05:51 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results