Dave Hrabchuk


6 Races, 1
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2023-07-01 Dave Hrabchuk Vernon M50-54 Peachland Beach Run 5K Peachland 64 41 4 0:24:49 04:57 5.0
2023-06-18 Dave Hrabchuk Vernon M00-99+ Conquer the Lake 5K Lake Country 5 3 3 0:25:25 05:05 5.0
2019-07-28 Dave Hrabchuk Vernon M45-49 Fast Days of Summer 5000 Kelowna 41 32 5 0:22:55 04:35 5.0
2018-06-10 Dave Hrabchuk Vernon M45-49 Conquer The Lake 5K Lake Country 15 12 4 0:22:41 04:32 5.0
2017-10-29 Dave Hrabchuk Vernon M45-49 Kal Park 9K Vernon 53 36 0:54:43 05:45 9.5
2017-02-12 Dave Hrabchuk Vernon M45-49 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 75 43 6 0:59:00 05:54 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results