Gary Weighhill


5 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
1988-04-17 Gary Weighhill Kelowna M35-39 Apple Classic Half Marathon Kelowna 193 139 36 2:01:37 05:45 21.1
1987-09-20 Gary Weighill Kelowna M00-99+ Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 150 119 94 2:03:02 06:18 19.5
1986-06-01 Gary Weighill Kelowna M35-39 Fairview Days Run Oliver 83 65 10 0:59:00 05:54 10.0
1986-05-18 Gary Weighill Kelowna Running Club M35-39 Penticton Blossom 10 Miler Penticton 63 57 11 1:10:54 04:24 16.1
1985-09-15 Gary Weighill Kelowna M30-39 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 68 66 24 1:25:32 04:30 19.0
Missing or Incorrect Results