Hugh Mccullough


4 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
1998-09-20 Hugh Mccullough Kelowna M50-54 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 132 100 12 1:21:37 05:04 16.1
1997-09-21 Hugh Mccullough Kelowna M50-54 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 95 75 12 1:33:15 04:54 19.0
1997-04-27 Hugh Mccullough Kelowna M50-54 Kelowna Apple Classic Half Marathon Kelowna 122 89 14 1:47:32 05:05 21.1
1996-09-22 Hugh Mccullough Kelowna M50-54 Peak to Peak Run Penticton 162 121 10 1:39:34 05:06 19.5
Missing or Incorrect Results