Kath Halvorson


5 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2015-02-15 Kath Halvorson Armstrong F50-54 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 142 63 11 0:58:17 05:49 10.0
2011-03-20 Kath Halvorson Armstrong F50-54 Spring Run Off 10K Kamloops 140 69 8 1:01:47 06:10 10.0
2010-03-21 Kath Halvorson Armstrong F45-49 Spring Run Off 10K Kamloops 133 52 4 0:57:11 05:43 10.0
2003-02-16 Kath Halvorson Spallumcheen F40-44 Valhalla Pure 10K Run Vernon 148 31 13 0:50:10 05:01 10.0
2001-09-23 Kath Halvorson Spallumcheen F40-44 Peak To Pyramid Kelowna 102 27 8 1:41:53 05:30 18.5
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