Kelly Challinor


6 Races, 6
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2023-09-17 Kelly Challinor Kelowna F25-29 Fast Days of Summer 5000 Kelowna 18 0:18:10 03:38 5.0
2023-07-16 Kelly Challinor Kelowna F25-29 Midsummer 8K Kelowna 11 0:30:08 03:46 8.0
2023-07-01 Kelly Challinor Kelowna F25-29 Peachland Beach Run 5K Peachland 5 0:18:19 03:39 5.0
2023-03-12 Kelly Challinor Kelowna F25-29 Spring Runoff 10K Kamloops 2 0:37:22 03:44 10.0
2022-07-10 Kelly Challinor Kelowna F25-29 Midsummer 8k Kelowna 12 0:30:41 03:50 8.0
2022-06-19 Kelly Challinor Kelowna F25-29 Conquer the Lake Half Marathon Lake Country 7 1:25:54 04:04 21.1
Missing or Incorrect Results