Kerry Haaheim


13 Races, 11
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2015-10-25 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F40-44 Kal Park 9K Vernon 74 13 0:52:53 05:34 9.5
2012-11-04 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F35-39 Summerland XC 7K Summerland 16 0:35:08 04:44 7.4
2012-10-28 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F35-39 Kal Park 9K Vernon 16 0:46:51 04:55 9.5
2012-10-21 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F35-39 Larry Nicholas 9K Kelowna 33 0:41:04 04:33 9.0
2012-10-14 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F35-39 Campbell Mountain 8K Penticton 13 0:44:52 05:20 8.4
2012-09-15 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F35-39 Reino Keski Salmi 8K Salmon Arm 30 6 0:38:56 04:13 9.2
2012-07-15 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F35-39 Midsummer 8K Kelowna 57 14 5 0:37:40 04:42 8.0
2011-10-30 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F35-39 Kal Park 9K Vernon 74 17 0:50:13 05:17 9.5
2007-10-21 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F30-39 Larry Nicholas 9K Kelowna 51 11 4 0:44:50 04:58 9.0
2006-07-09 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F30-34 Kelowna Midsummer 8K Kelowna 21 0:32:42 04:05 8.0
2006-06-11 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F30-34 Peach City Runners Coalmont To Princeton Penticton 9 1:22:46 04:28 18.5
2004-09-25 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F30-39 Knox Mountain 6k Kelowna 11 0:26:12 04:22 6.0
2004-09-19 Kerry Haaheim Kelowna F30-34 Peak to Beak 18.5k Run Kelowna 24 1:22:50 04:21 19.0
Missing or Incorrect Results