Kristin Huisman


6 Races, 5
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2024-02-11 Kristin Huisman Lake Country F20-24 Starting Block 10K Lavington 49 16 0:51:39 05:09 10.0
2023-07-16 Kristin Huisman Lake Country F16-19 Midsummer 8K Kelowna 73 23 4 0:39:40 04:57 8.0
2023-02-12 Kristin Huisman Lake Country F16-19 Starting Block 10K Lavington 61 16 0:52:05 05:12 10.0
2022-02-13 Kristin Huisman Lake Country F16-19 Starting Block 10K Lavington 38 13 0:48:10 04:49 10.0
2020-02-16 Kristin Huisman Lake Country F16-19 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 45 12 0:49:20 04:56 10.0
2019-02-10 Kristin Huisman Lake Country F01-15 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 39 14 0:54:39 05:27 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results