Laura Medcalf


6 Races, 3
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2016-02-14 Laura Medcalf Vernon F35-39 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 42 7 0:46:28 04:38 10.0
2015-02-15 Laura Medcalf Vernon F35-39 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 53 13 6 0:47:10 04:43 10.0
2014-02-16 Laura Medcalf Vernon F30-34 Starting Block 10K Lavington 86 29 5 0:51:07 05:06 10.0
2013-05-12 Laura Medcalf Vernon F30-34 Blossom 10 Miler Naramata 36 10 1:15:58 04:44 16.0
2009-02-15 Laura Medcalf Summerland F20-29 Starting Block 10K Lavington 72 17 0:50:13 05:01 10.0
2007-02-25 Laura Medcalf Summerland F20-29 Summerland Centennial Half 2007 Summerland 83 32 5 2:09:39 06:08 21.1
Missing or Incorrect Results