Michael James


4 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2007-03-18 Michael James Kamloops M55-59 Spring Run Off 10K Kamloops 138 85 9 1:00:00 06:00 10.0
2005-03-20 Michael James Kamloops M55-59 Spring Run-Off 10K Kamloops 141 89 15 1:03:45 06:22 10.0
1992-09-20 Michael James Kamloops M40-44 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 237 156 43 2:02:13 06:16 19.5
1990-09-23 Michael James Kamloops M40-44 Peak to Peak Run Kelowna 188 134 28 2:12:43 06:48 19.5
Missing or Incorrect Results