Nikola Ciric


5 Races, 3
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2024-04-07 Nikola Ciric Penticton M30-34 Oliver 10K Oliver 15 12 0:40:31 04:03 10.0
2023-09-24 Nikola Ciric Penticton M30-34 Summerland Sweets 7.4K Summerland 8 8 0:31:12 04:12 7.4
2023-09-17 Nikola Ciric Penticton M30-34 Fast Days of Summer 5000 Kelowna 21 18 0:18:45 03:45 5.0
2023-09-17 Nikola Ciric Penticton M00-99+ Fast Days of Summer One Mile Kelowna 12 11 11 0:05:45 03:35 1.6
2023-05-14 Nikola Ciric Penticton M30-34 Blossom 13K Penticton 14 10 4 0:59:49 04:42 12.7
Missing or Incorrect Results