Paul Mccann


8 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2010-04-11 Paul Mccann Penticton M50-54 Oliver 10K Oliver 87 60 8 0:52:33 05:15 10.0
2008-04-06 Paul Mccann Penticton M45-49 Oliver 10K Oliver 88 61 14 0:50:36 05:03 10.0
2008-02-24 Paul Mccann Penticton M45-49 Summerland Centennial Half Summerland 86 55 13 2:06:00 05:58 21.1
2007-09-23 Paul Mccann Penticton M45-49 Beach to Beak 14K Kelowna 49 40 8 1:17:13 05:30 14.0
2007-04-01 Paul Mccann Penticton M45-49 Oliver OK Photo Lab 10K Oliver 108 72 18 0:51:59 05:11 10.0
2006-09-24 Paul Mccann Penticton M45-49 Peak To Beak Run 18K Kelowna 69 51 8 1:39:54 05:33 18.0
2006-09-10 Paul Mccann Penticton M45-49 Bike Barn 12K Penticton 94 68 17 1:08:14 05:41 12.0
2006-05-14 Paul Mccann Penticton M45-49 Peach City Runners Blossom 10 Miler Naramata 150 71 17 1:42:33 06:24 16.0
Missing or Incorrect Results