Tracey Griffin


6 Races
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2006-02-12 Tracey Griffin Armstrong F45-49 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 145 58 11 0:58:41 05:52 10.0
2005-03-20 Tracey Griffin Armstrong F45-49 Spring Run-Off 10K Kamloops 109 31 6 0:59:39 05:57 10.0
2005-02-13 Tracey Griffin Armstrong F45-49 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 126 45 8 0:59:10 05:55 10.0
2004-02-15 Tracey Griffin Armstrong F40-44 Starting Block 10k Run Lavington 188 80 20 1:02:39 06:15 10.0
2003-03-16 Tracey Griffin Armstrong F40-44 Spring Run-Off 10k Kamloops 208 86 15 0:58:45 05:52 10.0
2003-02-16 Tracey Griffin Armstrong F40-44 Valhalla Pure 10K Run Vernon 304 142 35 1:07:20 06:44 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results