Inga Bourke


4 Races, 2
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2011-09-18 Inga Bourke West Kelowna F55-59 Peak to Beak 18K Kelowna 86 43 1:50:12 06:07 18.0
2009-09-20 Inga Bourke Kelowna F55-59 Peak to Beak 18K Kelowna 107 40 1:48:32 06:01 18.0
2009-07-05 Inga Bourke Kelowna F55-59 Midsummer 8K Kelowna 116 39 6 0:45:21 05:40 8.0
2002-07-07 Inga Bourke Kelowna F45-49 Kelowna Midsummer 10K Kelowna 123 49 9 1:00:26 06:02 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results