Chantelle Deacon


8 Races, 8
Date Name City Age Race City # GP CP Time Pace KM
2010-02-07 Chantelle Deacon Vernon F16-19 Starting Block 10K Lavington 43 6 0:44:22 04:26 10.0
2008-03-09 Chantelle Deacon Vernon F16-19 Lakeside 5K Penticton 16 0:19:29 03:53 5.0
2008-02-10 Chantelle Deacon Vernon F16-19 Starting Block 10K Lavington 39 7 0:45:32 04:33 10.0
2007-03-11 Chantelle Deacon Vernon F00-15 Lakeside 5K Penticton 21 0:19:39 03:55 5.0
2006-03-12 Chantelle Deacon Vernon F00-15 Penticton Lakeside Resort 5K Penticton 36 5 0:20:42 04:08 5.0
2006-02-12 Chantelle Deacon Vernon F00-15 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 51 7 0:46:37 04:39 10.0
2005-03-13 Chantelle Deacon Vernon F00-15 Penticton Lakeside Resort 5Km Penticton 70 12 0:21:55 04:23 5.0
2005-02-13 Chantelle Deacon Vernon F00-15 The Starting Block 10K Lavington 73 11 0:50:14 05:01 10.0
Missing or Incorrect Results