With the current BC Provincial Health orders and restrictions, the Race Directors of most of the 2021 Interior Running Association (IRA) Road Race events have made the decision to cancel their in-person running events this year. This means that there will not be the usual IRA Road Race series awards in 2021. As an alternative,… Continue reading ANNOUNCING 2021 VIRTUAL ROAD RACE SERIES
Author: ira
IRA is excited to announce Virtual Road Race Series for 2021. Like our 2020 Cross Country Series, the series will focus on participation rather than performance. Most of the IRA Road Race organizers have confirmed that they will not be planning to hold their event In-Person. For example, the first race of the season, Starting… Continue reading COMING SOON! 2021 VIRTUAL ROAD RACE SERIES
Missing / Incorrect Result
Please send us any missing or incorrect results. interior.running@gmail.com
Info: Discover the teamwork and competitive spirit of the Ekiden—virtually. This relay race will inspire, motivate and test you as you prepare to compete against Canadian Collegiate teams from all over Canada. The idea started as a friendly competition between UBC Okanagan, Trinity Western, University of Victoria, and UBC’s cross country team programs to crown… Continue reading CANADIAN COLLEGIATE EKIDEN 2020
Interior Running Association 2020 AGM
IRA Annual General Meeting Date – December 2, 2020 Time – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Location- ZOOM Meeting Please contact your IRA president, Cindy Rhodes, at cindyrhodes57@gmail.com for the Zoom Link if you wish to attend.
Prizewinners of 2020 IRA Virtual XC Series
Thank you Janice Bradshaw, Matt Turmaine, and Danielle Shand for organizing and presenting the 2020 IRA Virtual XC Series Awards. https://www.facebook.com/InteriorRunningAssociation/videos/1293317504361566 Congratulations to all of the runners who participated in the 2020 IRA Virtual XC Series. Prizewinners from Monday’s live draw are as follows: – Patrick Amundsen -1 month free RunQuest subscription from Orthoquest Kelowna… Continue reading Prizewinners of 2020 IRA Virtual XC Series
The annual IRA AGM is scheduled for Dec 2, 2020 at 6pm. It will be a ZOOM meeting. Please contact president Cindy to get your zoom link. We hope that all club presidents and race directors will attend.
2020 IRA XC Run Series – Virtual Iron Legs
You have until Nov 1, 2020, 6pm to enter your completed results. As of today Oct 25, only half of you have entered your results.
2020 IRA XC Run Series – Virtual Iron Legs
Since at least two of the races in the 2020 Interior Running Association (IRA) Cross-Country (XC) Series have been cancelled, and others may be as well, there will not be the usual IRA XC series awards for this year. However, the IRA invites runners to take part in a Virtual XC series event to be… Continue reading 2020 IRA XC Run Series – Virtual Iron Legs